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WasteServ receives three bids for Malta’s Waste-to-Energy Project

The procurement process for Malta’s waste-to-energy facility reached another important milestone as three bidders submitted their best and final offers to build and operate the plant for 20 years. The evaluation process will now commence with WasteServ aiming to enter into a contract with the recommended bidder before the end of the year.

The received bids are from Hitachi Zosen Inova AG – Terna S.A., FCC Medioambiente Internacional S.L.U, Paprec Energies International-BBL Malta and the offers for the construction and the 20-year operation range from €599,659,900 to €781,512,463.

As had been previously announced, the site for the project has already been excavated and prepared to ensure timely project implementation.

Once the contract with the recommended bidder is signed, it is expected that the contractor starts with the concrete work for the waste bunker for which full development permits have already been obtained.

The waste-to-energy facility will be processing 192,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste per year, which waste will be converted into green energy. This plant, together with a new Organic Processing Plant, Material Recovery Facility, Skip Management Facility, and Thermal Treatment Facility will be allowing Malta to move to a fully circular economy in the waste management field.

WasteServ Malta Ltd
ECOHIVE Complex, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar NXR9030